Wednesday, April 1, 2015

All about me.

Hello, my name is Raina and I live in Northern Ontario. I love The Walking dead, Minecraft  and  making sketches and doodles when I'm bored. I like playing outside with my brothers. My favorite part of the day is when I get to sleep. In the summer I like to play soccer and go swimming with my brothers. If I could have any super power I would want to be able to heal people because when I'm older I want to be a doctor. I'm really good at math and gym. I play basketball and badminton. I find them fun, but I don't like to watch sports, I mean I watch the super bowl every year but that's all. Also in the summer I play soccer. After school if I don't have home work I play Call of duty advance warfare zombie. 
    So that's some about me so I hope you enjoyed. 


  1. I like minecraft too!

    P.S get a sheep, get a nametag and anvil, and name the sheep jeb_

  2. Ooooo! I've done that! it makes the sheeps change colours. I also watch a youtuber named Popularmmos and one of his videos he said that it was a spelling error and it should of been jen_. Also if you use a anvil and type dinnerbone it flips what ever up side down.
